Epilepsy is a neurological disorder of the central nervous system in which the activity of the nerve cell in the brain is disturbed, causing a seizure due to which one can experience abnormal behaviour, different symptoms and sensations which also include loss of consciousness.
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder of the central nervous system in which the activity of the nerve cell in the brain is disturbed, causing a seizure due to which one can experience abnormal behaviour, different symptoms and sensations which also include loss of consciousness. Seizure symptoms usually vary among people.
There is only one variant of Epilepsy with many different causes. Epilepsy is usually characterized by seizures.
There is no identifiable cause found, but the condition can be traced to various factors like:
Abnormal activity in the brain cells causes Epilepsy, seizures affect any process that our brain co-ordinates. Seizure usually produces symptoms like:
The symptoms usually depend on the type of seizure, but in most cases the person suffering from Epilepsy has the same type of seizure always. So the symptoms remain similar.
One should consult a Neurologist, Neurosurgeon or a Physician.
Stress should be managed; cigarettes and alcoholic beverages should be avoided.
Epilepsy is not curable but it can be controlled with medications and healthy lifestyle.
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