Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils which is caused by viral or less commonly a bacterial infection. At the back of the throat, tonsils are two lymph nodes – one on either side, which act as a filter in trapping the germs, which could enter through air and cause infection. Tonsils produce antibodies to fight against the infection, but at times they tend to get infected themselves. When infected they become inflamed, which is the condition known as Tonsillitis.
The main and the most common cause of Tonsillitis is viral or bacterial infection.
Children between pre-school ages and mid-teenage years are more commonly affected by Tonsillitis. The most common signs and symptoms are:
The symptoms among children include:
Tonsillitis is very common among the children from preschool to mid-teenage years. As children are frequently exposed to bacteria and viruses, it increases the chances of Tonsillitis.
One should consult an ENT Specialist for Tonsillitis.
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