
Only he, who lives freely can enjoy life to the fullest. An egoist can never live freely. And it is also true, how can a person tied up in numerous bondages do anything else but die each moment he lives?

-Deep Trivedi

Ego simply doesn't know how to strike a balance. Either it stays immersed in the worldly matters or getting distressed, takes 'sanyas' - renounce the world... But to lead a normal life while being mentally detached from the world is something that it just does not know.

-Deep Trivedi

Under the influence of false ego one thinks himself to be the doer of activities, while in reality all activities are carried out by nature as a natural process.

-Srimad Bhagavad Gita "Bhagwad Gita 3.27"

After helping someone, if you expect a gesture of gratitude from him, then there is no point in helping. If you feel good when he expresses his gratitude, then too helping is useless. In that case, you must understand that your help was merely a means to satiate your ego.

-Deep Trivedi

The jiva or living being is endowed with ego and his knowledge is limited, whereas Ishwar is without ego and is omniscient.

-Adi Shankara "Adi Shankara"

This Self who gives rise to all works, all desires, all odours, all tastes, who pervades the universe, who is beyond words, who is joy abiding, who is ever present in my heart, is Brahmn indeed. To him I shall attain when my ego dies.

- Upanishads "Chandogya Upanishad"

It is still in the hands of psychology to free the person from his 'innermost pains and miseries' that he endures at deeper level; but it is not in anyone's hand to help him eliminate his ego-driven sorrows. This is where no one else, but only he can help himself.

-Deep Trivedi

Not knowing the consequence of good and evil karmas, he is afflicted and hurt. Nevertheless, he, due to his egotism, piles up karmas and undergoes births and deaths again and again.

-Scriptures "Acarangasutra 2.55-56"

Eradicate self-justification. Then alone can you annihilate your ego.

-Swami Sivananda "Swami Sivananda"

If you keep your focus fixed on the 'witness' - the one who is watching rather than the 'ego' - the doer...your identification with the objects, people and acts will be severed. The root cause of all the miseries of the world is our attachment with them.

-Deep Trivedi

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