
Marriage is more about work than about divine luck, more about finding someone to love than about finding someone to meet your own laundry list of personal needs.

-Mark Gorman

Become the kind of person the kind of person you would like to marry would like to marry.

-Douglas Wilson

Never forget the nine most important words of any family: I love you. You are beautiful. Please forgive me.

-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

The problem with marriage is that it ends every night after making love, and it must be rebuilt every morning before breakfast.

-Gabriel García Márquez

To complain that I could only be married once was like complaining that I had only been born once.

-G. K. Chesterton

The proper basis for marriage is mutual misunderstanding.

-Oscar Wilde

A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong.

-Milton Berle

A man ought to be able to be fond of his wife without making a fool of himself about her.

-George Bernard Shaw

When a woman thinks her husband is a fool, her marriage is over. They may part in one year or ten; they may live together until death. But if she thinks he is a fool, she will not love him again.

-Philippa Gregory "The Other Queen"

Find a woman who makes you feel more alive. She won't make life perfect but she'll make it infinitely more interesting. And then love her with all that's in you.

-Gayle G. Roper "Shadows on the Sand: A Seaside Mystery"

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