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Life is nothing but a competition to be the criminal rather than the victim.

-Bertrand Russell

Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.


Everything you can imagine is real.

-Pablo Picasso

It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.

-Friedrich Nietzsche

This outward spring and garden are a reflection of the inward garden.


Nothing prevents happiness like the memory of happiness.

-André  Gide

There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.

-Nelson Mandela

The success of our endeavours does not depend on the quantum of efforts, but the state of mind engaged...at the time of pursuing the task.

-Deep Trivedi

The extent to which you depend on the capabilities of your own mind or on the external knowledge and situation to resolve any issue, shows how deep a mind you dwell in.

-Deep Trivedi

All of us have a path to follow and the path begins on earth.

-Richard Matheson

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