
Loneliness is the unloneliest feeling in the world, as everyone has experienced it.

-Jarod Kintz "This Book is Not for Sale"

I need the pain of loneliness to make my imagination work.

-Orhan Pamuk

Even the company of the mad was better than the company of the dead.

-Stephen King "The Stand"

It's weird to feel like you miss someone you're not even sure you know.

-David Foster Wallace "Infinite Jest"

What loneliness is more lonely than distrust?

-George Eliot

Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering - and it's all over much too soon.

-Woody Allen

Booksellers are the most valuable destination for the lonely, given the numbers of books written because authors couldn't find anyone to talk to.

-Alain De Botton "The Consolations of Philosophy"

Some people are just not meant to be in this world. It's just too much for them.

-Phoebe Steon "The Boy on Cinnamon Street"

It would be too easy to say that I feel invisible. Instead, I feel painfully visible, and entirely ignored.

-David Levithan "Every Day"

Even if you are alone you wage war with yourself.

-Dejan Stojanović

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