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Each of us in our own way can try to spread compassion into people’s hearts. Western civilizations these days place great importance on filling the human ‘brain’ with knowledge, but no one seems to care about filling the human ‘heart’ with compassion.

-Dalai Lama Xiv

Poets are never unemployed, just unpaid.

-Kathy Skaggs

It's good to do uncomfortable things. It's weight training for life.

-Anne Lamott

It is not easy to keep silent when silence is a lie.

-Victor Hugo

The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask.

-Jim Morrison

A successful marriage is an edifice that must be rebuilt every day.

-André Maurois

Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day.

-Jim Rohn

I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, Mother, what was war?

-Eve Merriam

Faith is a question of eyesight; even the blind can see that.

-Dejan Stojanović

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

-Oscar Wilde

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