
Follow me, and let the people speak: stay still like a tower which doesn’t collapse when a strong wind blows.

-Dante Alighieri

A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he knows something.

-Wilson Mizner

If you have tears, prepare to shed them now.

-William Shakespeare

We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't.

-Frank Howard Clark

Peace, happiness, satisfaction, compassion, freedom, concentration, etc. are the qualities which lead you to those intrinsic powers lying deep within your mind... from where the foundation of you becoming a "historical figure" gets laid.

-Deep Trivedi

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is.

-Yogi Berra

The golden age is before us, not behind us.

-William Shakespeare

Freedom is the ultimate dignity of a human being, please handle it with utmost care. Neither should you interfere in anyone's life nor let any person, religion, society or scripture intervene in your life. Because...you are unique and the only one of your kind. No one like you has ever been born before nor would be. Hence, your only duty as a human being is to safeguard yourself against all and make the journey of your life a truly memorable one.

-Deep Trivedi

When you see a good man, try to emulate his examples, and when you see a bad man, search yourself for his faults.


There is no lovelier way to thank God for your sight than by giving a helping hand to someone in the dark.

-Helen Keller

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