Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Silence is the goal of all answers. If an answer does not silence the mind, it is no answer.

Love is not an emotion. It is your very existence.

Love is the highest strength, yet it makes you absolutely weak.

All anger is about something which has already happened. Is it of any use getting angry about something which you cannot alter?

Suffering is a product of limited knowledge.

When you know you own God you will not be in a hurry to get something out of God.


Purpose of words is to create silence.

We need to be aware of our own selves, our body, our breath, our mind, how the mind works. Become confident of who you are.

You can experience love, but you cannot describe it or express it totally.

Wise is the one who learns from another´s mistakes. Less wise is the one who learns only from his own mistakes. The fool keeps making the same mistakes again and again and never learns from them.

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