
Faith keeps many doubts in her pay. If I could not doubt, I should not believe.

-Henry David Thoreau

To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.

-Mahatma Gandhi

If faith in ourselves had been more extensively taught and practiced, I am sure a very large portion of the evils and miseries that we have would have vanished.

-Swami Vivekananda

Faith is composed of the heart’s intention. Light comes through faith… O Faith, give us faith!

-Vedas "Rig Veda"

For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.

-Stuart Chase

Faith: not wanting to know what is true.

-Friedrich Nietzsche

Fear is the glue that keeps you stuck. Faith is the solvent that sets you free.

-Shannon L. Alder

It is easier to believe than to doubt.

-E. D. Martin "The Meaning of a Liberal Education"

Faith is not Desire. Faith is Will. Desires are things that need to be satisfied, whereas Will is a force. Will changes the space around us…

-Paulo Coelho "The Witch Of Portobello"

You know that if you get in the water and have nothing to hold on to, but try to behave as you would on dry land, you will drown. But if, on the other hand, you trust yourself to the water and let go, you will float, find this exactly the situation of faith.

-Alan Watts

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