
Anyone who thinks sitting in church can make you a Christian must also think that sitting in a garage can make you a car.

-Garrison Keillor

God has no religion.

-Mahatma Gandhi

The world is divided into men who have wit and no religion and men who have religion and no wit.


The biggest problem of the world is the existence of the 50 million odd priests, monks and the heads of various religious institutions, who in the pretext of being religious, survive at others' mercy without doing anything fruitful themselves. If they are compelled to do even farming, I promise that overnight the rate of grains all across the world will almost be halved.

-Deep Trivedi

They say religion is about love, but you wonder how much of it really is about fear.

-Deb Caletti "The Nature of Jade"

All religions exhort us to cleanse the heart of malice, greed, hate and anger. All religions hold out the gift of Grace as the prize for success in this cleaning process.

-Sathya Sai Baba "Sri Sathya Sai Baba"

Science is the name for transformation brought in the psychology of substances and religion is the name for the knowledge which transforms the psychology of human beings. Science can provide material comforts to a human being, but for mental well-being, one has to change his psychology. Hence, striking a fine balance between the two is the only way to lead a human being and the world onto the path of progress.

-Deep Trivedi

Earlier our spending was only confined to offerings made at the temples. But now, the greediness of the priests have increased so much that in the name of assurances, they have been robbing people by selling rings, holy threads and religious rites and rituals.

-Deep Trivedi

I want Jesus to come back and say 'THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT!'

-Margaret Cho

We are religious gurus. What do we do? Whatever you do, we brand it as a sin... Meaning, despite being dependent on your donations, we abuse you. Still this skill of ours works...because there is no dearth of intelligent people in this world.

-Deep Trivedi

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