
Here are the signs of love. When you love someone, you see nothing wrong with them.

-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

...when I think of you it's with tears, because no one else has such delicate hands that can reach into my soul and calm my fears...

-John Geddes "A Familiar Rain"

Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it.

-Rabindranath Tagore

A true 'lover' is the one, in whom his beloved can find not only a lover, but also a friend, father, guru, brother, son, all of them.

-Deep Trivedi

In many a form of goodness, O Love, you show your face. Grant that these forms may penetrate within our hearts. Send elsewhere all malice!

-Vedas "Atharva Veda"

Love and anger are two names of the same energy. If you learn to use one properly...the second by itself gets channelized in fruitful tasks.

-Deep Trivedi

One can be a soldier without dying and a lover without sighing.

-Edwin Arnold

When I was in the military they gave me a medal for killing two men and a discharge for loving one.

-Leonard Matlovich "Epitaph of Leonard. P. Matlovich, 1988"

Nice people don't necessarily fall in love with nice people.

-Jonathan Franzen "Freedom"

Who loves believes the impossible.

-Elizabeth Barrett Browing

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