
The more we come out and do good to others, the more our hearts will be purified, and God will be in them.

-Swami Vivekananda

It is true that in each particle of the existence, there is a reflection of God. But then it is difficult to understand, why temples exist separately?

-Deep Trivedi

I cannot imagine how the clockwork of the universe can exist without a clockmaker.


You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

-Bible "Matthew 5.48"

The concept of "God" has come into existence because of fear. ‘Fear’ is the offspring of insecurity and desire... The interesting part is, you don't need either of these after death.

-Deep Trivedi

You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.

-Anne Lamott

All I have seen teaches me to trust the creator for all I have not seen.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is difficult to know why God reveals Himself to some and plays the game of hide-and-seek with others.

-Baba Ram Dass

God is not the name of God, but an opinion about Him.

-Pope Sixtus I "The Ring"

For a week, you just closely observe the vibrations arising in your mind, events unfolding around you and the functioning of nature. You will realize that other than your false hopes and unfounded fears, no one needs "God".

-Deep Trivedi

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