3,500-Year-Old Warrior Tomb Found in Greece


Warrior Tomb

Archaeologists digging at Pylos in Southwest Greece have discovered a rich tomb of a warrior who was buried around 3,500 years ago at the dawn of European civilisation. The tomb contains a yard-long sword, gold rings, precious jewels and beautifully carved seals.

Archaeologists from the University of Cincinnati who led the excavation hail the discovery as one of the most significant find in the past 65 years. The tomb contained more than 1,400 objects which includes a three-foot long bronze sword, four gold rings, ivory combs and carvings that depict griffons and a lion.

The warrior was buried around 1500 BC and his tomb may hold answers regarding Minoan and Mycenaean civilisation. The tomb was discovered this year in May by Jack L Davis and Sharon R Stocker, both husband and wife, who were excavating at Pylos for 25 years. The warrior at the time of his death was between 30 and 35 years.


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