Archaeologists Discover 22 Shipwrecks Near Greek Archipelago


Ancient Shipwreck

Greek and British marine archaeologists have made ‘once in a lifetime discovery’ by finding 22 shipwrecks near Greek archipelago. The shipwrecks discovered around the archipelago of Fourni date back as far as 700 BC. Fourni is in the middle of an ancient trade route between Greece, Egypt and Cyprus.

Archaeologists believe that there could be as many as 40 shipwrecks in an area of just 17 square miles. The shipwrecks date between 700 BC and 600 AD, however, one ship belonged to the 16th century. Fourni is a collection of 13 islands between the islands of Samos and Icaria.

This is the first survey of the seabed which is sponsored by British archaeological charity the Hope Frost Foundation. The discovery of these shipwrecks makes up 12 percent of the known shipwrecks found in Greece.


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