Computer Made from Bio–Molecules



Scientists from the Technion–Israel Institute of Technology and Scripps Research Institute have developed the world’s first ever computer based on bio–molecules that can decipher images encrypted on DNA chips.

The team’s research showed that applying suitable software to the bio computer enabled it to separately decrypt fluorescent images of Scripps Research Institute and Technion logo. This was the first experimental demonstration of a molecular cryptosystem of images that is based on DNA computing. The bio computer is basically a machine in which all the four components are molecules, which logically communicate with one another.

The input of the machine is a molecule that undergoes specific determined changes to follow a specific set of rules whereas the output of the chemical computation procedure is another well–defined molecule. The computer is built by combining chemical components in a tube solution that includes several DNA molecules and ATP (Adenosine triphosphate), which is used as an energy source for the device.


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