Flexible Device to Monitor Body Stats in Real Time


Body Signal Tracker

Researchers from the University of California, San Diego, have developed the first flexible wearable device capable of monitoring both biochemical as well as electric signals in the human body in real time.

The device known as ‘Chem-Phys’ records two separate kinds of signals in real time to track people’s health. It records the electrocardiogram (EKG) heart signals and tracks the levels of lactate – a biochemical that is a marker of physical effort. The device can be worn on the chest and it can communicate wirelessly via Bluetooth with a smartphone, watch or a laptop. Researchers are of the view that information about heart rate and lactate could be useful for athletes wanting to improve their performance. The device can also help physicians to monitor patients with heart disease.

Largely available commercial wearables measure only one signal such as heart rate, however, almost none of them can measure chemical signals. The device includes a flexible suite of sensors and a small electronic board. The study was published in the journal, Nature Communications.


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