Scientists Claim Villages on Moon Could be a Reality by 2030


Moon Village

A team of scientists, engineers and industry experts have claimed that villages on moon constructed through the cooperation between the astronauts and the robotic systems could be a reality by 2030. The assertion was made at the European Space Agency’s symposium ‘Moon 2020–2030,  A New Era of Coordinated Human and Robotic Exploration’ held at Netherlands.

Scientists believe that most of the villages on the lunar surface could serve as a potential springboard for future human missions to Mars and other destinations in the space. However, Clive Neal from the University of Notre Dame in US stated that scientists must first determine whether the resources on moon are as significant as humans think they are. He said that the lunar resources need to prove whether they are useful or not.

Neal further said that lunar resources need to be extracted and refined into a product of useful commodity. His research includes exploring the origin and evolution of moon and focusing on petrology and geochemistry of returned samples, coupled with geophysics and other remotely sensed datasets.


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