Scientists Develop World’s First Holographic Phone: HoloFlex



Scientists from Queen’s University, Canada, have developed the world’s first holographic flexible smartphone, HoloFlex that allows users to interact with 3D videos and images without any headgear or glass.

“HoloFlex offers a completely new way of interacting with your smartphone. It allows glasses-free interactions with 3D video and images in a way that does not encumber the user,” said Roel Vertegaal, from Queen’s University in Canada. The 3D printed holographic flexible smartphone is equipped with bendable screen technology and high-definition Flexible Organic Light Emitting Diode touch-screen display.

The phone’s powerful bending feature allows users to move and manipulate objects by flexing the screen to essentially create a third input axis. For e.g. In a game such as the Angry Birds, users would be able to bend the side of the display to pull the Angry Birds’ slingshot and propel the bird towards the target. When the bird flies across the screen, the holographic display literally makes the bird pop out of the screen in the third dimension.


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