Soon A Pill That Mimics The Benefits of Exercise


Pill V/S Exercise

Researchers from the University of Sydney in collaboration with University of Copenhagen have presented the world’s first comprehensive exercise blueprint that paves the way for world’s first ‘exercise pill’. The breakthrough was achieved after scientists discovered around 1,000 molecular reactions that occur when a person exercises.

The pills will mimic the health benefits of exercise. Exercise is the best remedy for many human diseases including Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and neurological disorders. However, exercise isn’t a viable option for those suffering from illness or paralysis. The drug will therefore be helpful for those suffering from these diseases.

Researchers for this purpose analysed a human skeletal muscle biopsies from four untrained, healthy males after 10 minutes of rigorous exercise. Traditional drugs target individual molecules and so they prepared a blueprint which highlights the need to target multiple molecules. The blueprint will allow scientists to design a drug which mimics the benefits of exercise. The study was published in the journal Cell Metabolism.


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