Viagra May Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes


Anti–Diabetes Sex Pill

A study undertaken by researchers from the Vanderbilt University Medical Centre found out that popping in Viagra can lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes in pre–diabetic people.

The study funded by the US National Institutes of Health claims that the drug sildenafil, which is sold as Viagra can improve the insulin sensitivity in overweight and pre-diabetic individuals by lowering the level of circulating glucose in the body. Scientists for the current study examined about 42 pre–diabetic individuals with slidenafil or placebo (an inactive drug) for three months. After the completion of the study, it was noted that those who received slidenafil were more sensitive to insulin.

Slidenafil inhibits an enzyme called phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5), which leads to smooth muscle, vasodilation and increased blood flow. It is also used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension. The study holds significance and was published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 


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