Will You Exercise or Take Vitamin C Supplements?


Vitamin C = Exercise

A study undertaken by researchers from the University of Colorado, Boulder states that taking Vitamin C supplements daily may have similar cardiovascular benefits as regular exercise would have in overweight and obese adults. The results of the study were presented in Atlanta this week at the American Physiological Society’s annual meeting.

Blood vessels in overweight and obese adults have elevated activity of the small vessel-constricting protein endothelin (ET)-1. The vessels as a result become less responsive to blood flow and more prone to constricting which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Exercise has shown to reduce ET-1 activity, however more than 50 percent of obese adults do not incorporate the same in their daily routine. In the current study, researchers examined whether Vitamin C supplements could reduce ET-1 activity. In the results that followed it was found that daily dosage of Vitamin C supplements at 500mg lowered ET-1 activity and improved vessel function. The benefits were equivalent to walking and exercise. For the study, researchers examined 35 adults for 3 months wherein 15 received the walking treatment for five to seven times a week and 20 received Vitamin C supplements.


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