Great Speeches

If “words can move mountains”, imagine what can the speeches do? The speeches that have been delivered with utmost precision, astounding oratory skills, and right confidence, have been able to sway even deadest of the spirit and turn the millions of people into frenzy. Had the speeches not been there, we might not have seen the kind of revolutions, rebellions and transformation of the societies at large that we have witnessed. Hereby, we have endeavored to compile the great speeches by the great legends that have marked an indelible impression on the psyche of the people and the world at large for hundreds of centuries to come. If you wish to hone leadership qualities and choose a path for yourself; be a leader and not just one among the crowd, you must read through them carefully and let it deeply penetrate in your being. With a hope, it helps you learn why the great are great and rekindle a fire in you also to become one like them…

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