Neck Pain can easily be referred to as Cervical Spondylitis. Normally as we age, we feel discomfort in many parts of our body and the bones which are the framework of the human body bear the maximum wear and tear and tend to degenerate faster.
Neck Pain can easily be referred to as Cervical Spondylitis. Normally as we age, we feel discomfort in many parts of our body and the bones which are the framework of the human body bear the maximum wear and tear and tend to degenerate faster. This degeneration is commonly known as arthritis; but the arthritis of the neck is known as Cervical Spondylitis.
Cervical Spondylitis is the degeneration of joints in the neck and though it is also known as arthritis of the neck, this condition is not so crippling and does not disable you. We have a spinal column running from the neck and covering the entire back right up to the hips. This spinal column is also known as the vertebral column or spine, which is made up of numerous joints and bones. The initial part of this column near to the neck is called cervical spine. Any pain, discomfort and immobility in the cervical spine is called Cervical Spondylitis.
The common causes and risk factors of Cervical Spondylitis are:
- The wear and tear of the discs in the cervical spine
- Age is a major risk factor
- Hyper activity in sports persons
- Being overweight
- A job which involves heavy lifting and bending
- Any injury to the neck which may been caused in the past
- Any injury in the spinal column
- Athritis
Though Cervical Spondylitis can affect men and women alike, men are more likely to suffer from it due to long hours of sitting by the table, in office.
The symptoms of Cervical Spondylitis are:
- Mild pain in the neck which may become severe over time
- Pain in the neck which begins to affect the mobility of the neck
- Pain which may spread to the arms and shoulder blades
- Neck stiffness, numbness and headache in the back of the head
The tests and examinations for Cervical Spondylitis include:
- Physical examination
- An X-Ray of neck or Spine
- MRI of the Neck
The above are tests which show an image of the neck and spine and the presence of any abnormality which may be the reason behind the pain. Apart from these, it is the question answer session about the symptoms between you and your doctor which may help in the diagnosis.
The treatment for Cervical Spondylitis includes:
- A team of doctors which includes your General Physician and Physiotherapist and other professionals like an Orthopaedic Surgeon
- Pain relievers and Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory drugs
- Massage therapy and a belt for wearing around the neck
- Maintaining of good posture and certain neck exercises
- If the pain is too severe and does not subside then surgery is the option
Nowadays it is not only the older people who suffer from Cervical Spondylitis, but even young people can get Cervical Spondylitis due to long hours of sitting at the computer. The work atmosphere is also a risk factor.
To minimize the risks, take regular breaks from your position and maintain a good posture, eat a well balanced diet and sleep in the correct posture.
Consult your doctor if you have any symptoms of pain in the neck or elsewhere.
Cervical Spondylitis is curable and once it is cured you have to manage and control the same and avoid the risk factors.