3D printed Humanoid Robot

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pi Brain

Shota Ishiwatari, a well-known Japanese robotic inventor, has created a new humanoid that is capable of performing basic actions. The robot can be personalised to perform a variety of tasks including making coffee.

Rapiro, as Ishiwatari named it, works on an inexpensive Linux-based computer known as Raspberry Pi which lets users programme the robot to perform tasks such as managing calendars and predicting the weather. The robot can also gather visual data and store it and users who get accustomed to Rapiro will find it easier to operate.

The robot has 12 servo motors for neck, waist, feet and arms that allow it to grip on to things and turn its head or waist. Ishiwatari states that the robot was designed through 3D printing as it is cheaper. The writing of the code and the building of circuit took place prior to the printing. The idea behind the humanoid is to arouse beginner’s interest in robotics. The robot is priced at $350.

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