An Artificial Heart that Pumps Urine to Power Bots

Saturday, December 07, 2013

Heart for Robots

A joint venture between the University of West England and University of Bristol has resulted in the creation of an artificial heart that helps pump human urine to power robots. The robots known as EcoBots are powered by electricity generating microbial fuel cells that use micro–organisms to digest waste and generate power.

The EcoBots were initially powered by waste that is pumped with the help of motor pumps prone to failure and blockages. The new device works in a way similar to the human heart ,that is, compressing the pump and forcing the liquid out. The device is made up of shape memory alloys (materials that remember their original shape). Upon heating, the muscle compresses the soft centre of the pump and ejects the fluid.

EcoBots are the next generation of robots as they run on rotten fruit, vegetables, dead flies, waste water and human urine. These EcoBots could also be used to monitor areas that are too dangerous for human activity.

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