Mass Murder in Stone Age

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Stone Age Genocide

Archaeologists from Frankfurt, Germany have presented evidence of mass murder during Stone Age. The revelation was made after they dug out 26 bodies from Schoneck-Kilianstadten outside Frankfurt in 2006.

The assertion of mass murder was made after examining the pattern of injuries on the bodies. The bodies were found with broken legs; either broken before or after death. Moreover the injuries found in skulls and other parts resemble weapons of that time. Injuries in the skulls were mostly on the left part which establishes that they were facing the attacker when they were hit with an adze.

The findings published in the US National Academy of Sciences journal Proceedings reports that the 7,000-year-old Neolithic remains of the 26 people include 12-13 children, two women and men. The fractures according to lead researcher Christian Meyer were made with enormous force that is comparable to the power of a car. This is not the only site of a mass murder. Archaeologists had previously discovered sites of such violence in Talheim in Baden-Württemberg and in a village near Vienna.

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