Single Shot Male Contraceptive Pill

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Male Contraceptive

A study published in the journal Basic and Clinical Andrology revealed that scientists have developed a new male contraceptive injection which may provide rapid, durable and potentially reversible birth control for about a year without the need for condoms. The first human clinical trial of the injection will be held this year.

The new study involving rabbits has shown that Vasalgel has the potential to become the first long–acting, non–hormonal male contraceptive. A semen analysis done after injecting 12 rabbits with the gel revealed that about 11 rabbits were azoospermic, that is, they did not have quantifiable sperm in their semen.

Throughout the duration of the study, Vasalgel acted as prolong effective contraceptive due to its unique hydrogel properties. At present, men have few options for controlling reproduction – condoms and vasectomy of which, the latter is effective and is generally assumed to be permanent.

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