Technology to Make Human-Dog Communication Easier

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Pet Communication

In a bid to make communication a bit easier with man’s best friend, scientists from North Carolina State University have developed a technology to fill communication gap between dogs and humans. The product known as smart harness is a platform for two way computer mediated communication between dogs and their owners.

Smart harness is a computer equipped backpack that fits comfortably on a dog’s back. One prototype of the project features a twin battery back on both sides of the dog along with a mounted webcam. The product makes use of vibration technology. The harness fitted on the back is wirelessly connected to the tablet that can be used to send signals to the dog and see how it reacts. Another prototype has three electrocardiography electrodes that can monitor the heart rate of the dogs and let owners know about it.

The technology can help the owner know whether his dog is standing, sitting, walking or running by transmitting signals. Similarly, it can also be used to train search and rescue dogs.

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