Deep Trivedi

"Time" is such a flow that it puts even an exemplary person like "Krishna" to the deep sleep of death. But the life that he lived and the Bhagavad Gita that he recited, immortalizes him forever. Even you have to die, then why not do something that immortalizes you forever.

All your efforts at the end are nothing, but inviting pains and pleasures in life, whereas to be steadfast in your 'being' no effort is required. The best part is, there is only joy and happiness, not just for one but for hundreds of reasons.

Right from communication, necessity, luxury to ailments of the body, whatever that science has discovered or invented, is actually nothing less than a miracle. In that case, if we can relate the 'blessings of Science' to our mind rather than brain, even nature will become envious of our life.

There is no dearth of talent in India. The problem is that the Indian government simply does not know how to pursue 'Personality Promotion' at the international level.

Whoever has achieved great success in life, they have knowingly or unknowingly, firmly opted for one of the four ways of mind; joy, nature, independence or being natural and whatever the path once chosen, irrespective of the circumstances... they have incessantly followed it.

Religious gurus are managing their businesses by misleading the world, but it is a smaller crime. Their greater crime is; not only are they suppressing the qualities and philosophies of great people, but are also running their businesses by linking them to useless miracles.

Things without which our life simply cannot sustain... like air, water and gravitational force; all are equally available to everyone for free. For a man of reason, this holds not one, but thousand implications.

Only in India, the Goddess of Wealth is harassed by worshipping her for the sake of prosperity... Perhaps annoyed by such large scale harassment she has turned her back on us. Wouldn't it be better if we further our faith only in our "actions" to prosper in life?

When we are leading a smooth life today depending upon the creations of millions of people...then isn't it our duty to do something before death which can fill the lives of future generations with joy, peace, prosperity and bliss?

All the knowledge possessed by science regarding the human body is based on probabilities. Whilst, many cancer patients are the ones who have abstained from tobacco lifelong...majority of the heart attacks are suffered by those who do not have high cholesterol levels.

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