Deep Trivedi

Hindu religion has accepted the ones, wearing necklaces of human skulls, having wine and opium, and even dance-lovers as their gods. Because Hindu religion does not believe in abstinence of things but rather, teaching how to have them in moderation and in the right manner.

I consider him to be a true believer of God, who no matter what happens...has the capacity to cheerfully accept it there and then, as the will of God.


If you mould yourself according to time and let yourself flow with the changing circumstances, see, what you will soon transform into.

To enjoy 'what you have' is understandable; but mourning their loss has always been beyond comprehension.

It is not that the IQ of an average Indian is lower than that of the people of developed countries. The only difference is, they know how to use it constructively and they also have a conducive environment for the same. Whereas in case of Indians, the entire intelligence gets wasted in image building and in dealing with other's smartness.

Other than our 'mind', what is it that we have, which we can call our own? Everything else is gifted by nature and made usable by science. At the same time, if you talk of joy of mind, it lies in "art". But then it is difficult to understand that in this process, where do we feel the need for these 'so-called religions'?

Things without which our life simply cannot sustain... like air, water and gravitational force; all are equally available to everyone for free. For a man of reason, this holds not one, but thousand implications.

Our mind is full of amazing powers but simultaneously, it has numerous disorders and negativities too. Because we are unable to conquer the negativities, we miss out on its marvellous powers as well.

Is there a rebirth? No, not at all. From the perspective of what you think as your way of being, like your name, your family, your country, society, religion or wealth, all these will surely cease to exist forever with your death.

A human being is the only creature in the universe who can be happy and successful. That is why, he is the only one in the universe who can be unhappy and unsuccessful too.

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