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A few moments in a poet’s company teach us more about the essence of art than many a lecture and books.

-Etinne Gilsun

You know that if you get in the water and have nothing to hold on to, but try to behave as you would on dry land, you will drown. But if, on the other hand, you trust yourself to the water and let go, you will float, find this exactly the situation of faith.

-Alan Watts

True beauty springs from the heart and dwells in the eyes.

-Judith McNaught

Music is pleasing not only because of the sound but because of the silence that is in it: without the alternation of sound and silence there would be no rhythm.

-Thomas Merton

Follow me, and let the people speak: stay still like a tower which doesn’t collapse when a strong wind blows.

-Dante Alighieri

The feet of the humblest may walk in the field where the feet of the holiest trod. This, then, is the marvel to mortals revealed. When the silvery trumpets of Christmas have pealed, that mankind are children of God. 

-Phillips Brooks

If you can dream it, you can do it.

-Walt Disney

Quite often in our attempt to solve the problems we end up inching closer to them. Generally problems come and go, there really is nothing much for you to do in it.

-Deep Trivedi

You may control a mad elephant; You may shut the mouth of the bear and the tiger; Ride the lion and play with the cobra; By alchemy you may earn your livelihood; You may wander through the universe incognito; Make vassals of the gods; be ever youthful; You may walk on water and live in fire; But control of the mind is better and more difficult.

-A Spiritual Leader

Imagination and fiction make up more than three-quarters of our real life.

-Simone Weil

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