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Loneliness is the standard that separates life from death.

-Sorin Cerin

The universe has been created out of knowledge and action and seems also possessed of consciousness.

-A Spiritual Leader

Don't look forward to the day you stop suffering, because when it comes you'll know you're dead.

-Tennessee Williams

Some of us learn from other people’s mistakes and the rest of us have to be other people.

-Zig Ziglar

The garden suggests there might be a place where we can meet nature halfway.

-Michael Pollan

In existence, no human being is perfect. Every person has his own unique nature and individual field of expertise. Even those, whom we know as gods were unaware of the knowledge of science all their life.

-Deep Trivedi

It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.

-Eleanor Roosevelt

The talented people belonging to developing countries have to promote themselves on their own at the international level. In this process, a substantial amount of their energy gets wasted.

-Deep Trivedi

For a sensible person, the matter worth thinking about is, in the history of past 5000 years, what has been the role of millions of saints, priests and religious agents in the betterment of the world, and in comparison what has been the contribution of 500 scientists?... All that we need to decide is, who is genuinely more compassionate towards mankind?

-Deep Trivedi

Words can confer strength; they can drain it off; Words can gain friends; they can turn them into enemies; words can elevate or lower the individual. One must learn the habit of making one’s words sweet, soft, and pleasant.


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