Familiarity with books is not knowledge. One’s entire life is a continuous process of learning.
Familiarity with books is not knowledge. One’s entire life is a continuous process of learning.
You deserve to be called a human being only when you develop good feelings in you. Let your thoughts, words and deeds be suffused with sacred feelings.
I have come to light the lamp of love in your hearts, to see that it shines day by day with added lustre.
As long as you have attachment to the body and attachment to objects, fear and suffering will be with you. Therefore Krishna told Arjuna to develop his discrimination and rid himself of body consciousness. Only then he would be able to develop integral vision.
The churning separates the butter from the milk. In the same manner, through cosmic processes and upheavals of heat and cold, the five fundamental elements - earth, water, fire, air and space were separated and Earth, this Ball of Butter, emerged as the product of the churning.
Service without ideal of self…trains you to transcend all the artificial distinctions imposed by history and geography, and to realise that the human community is one and indivisible.
Man learns through experience, and the spiritual path is full of different kinds of experiences. He will encounter many difficulties and obstacles, and they are the very experiences he needs to encourage and complete the cleansing process.
When the road ends, and the goal is gained, the pilgrim finds that he has travelled only from himself to himself.
You have come from God, you are a spark of His Glory, you are a wave of that Ocean of Bliss; you will get peace only when you again merge in Him.