Consuming Liquor and Processed Meat Linked to Stomach Cancer


Cancerous Liquor

According to a report by the American Institute for Cancer Research and World Cancer Research Fund International, consuming processed meat and drinking three or more alcoholic drinks per day increases the risk of stomach cancer.

This claim has been made after analysing 89 studies from around the world, which included 17.5 million adults and nearly 77,000 cases of stomach cancer. The study asserted that stomach cancer is twice likely to affect men than women and it is more common in older adults. Stomach cancer or gastric cancer is the fifth most common cancer and it is the third most common cause of death from cancer as symptoms often appear too late.

The study said that consuming meat or fish that has been preserved by smoking, curing or by addition of preservatives could also increase the risk of stomach cancer. This includes ham, bacon, pastrami and salami, hot dogs and some sausages. The report noted that about 70% stomach cancer cases occur in less developed countries with nearly half of all the cases from Eastern Asia and particularly China. Being obese and overweight is also linked to stomach cancer, the report added.


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