What is more valuable, the car or you? Certainly you... Then instead of the car,
why don't you wear a necklace of lemon and chillies, as it is you, who is more at
What is more valuable, the car or you? Certainly you... Then instead of the car,
why don't you wear a necklace of lemon and chillies, as it is you, who is more at
No problem ever comes into existence without a solution... Meaning, no matter
however complex a problem is, there is always a way to resolve it.
In existence, no human being is perfect. Every person has his own unique
nature and individual field of expertise. Even those, whom we know as gods
were unaware of the knowledge of science all their life.
Neither do we have to make the sun or moon rise nor manage gravitation. We do
not even have to convert the food that we eat into blood. All that we have to do
is, put our own life on the path of peace, bliss and success. Isn't it amusing that
we, who claim ourselves to be so intelligent, cannot do even this bit of work?
Instead of offering namaz five times a day, it is better to develop the habit of
performing five good deeds a day.
Why don't we understand the simple fact that we have to spend the major part
of our life with ourselves. Then why do we depend on other people or things and
invite sorrows? Obviously, how can a person who is so dependent on others for
his happiness, ever be happy?
It is not that time only kills. Time also heals the deepest of the wounds. For
example, no matter how severe the shock is...with the passage of time a person
learns to deal with it and moves on in life.
In this world, neither does a diamond take pride in shining nor does the stone
have any inferiority in being a stone. All the complexes spread across the world
are the creations of human brain.
We tend to suppress our anger against each other which ultimately leads to big
quarrels some day. If two people have been naturally expressing their differences
of opinion or having small arguments on regular basis, they will never have
resentment or enmity of a lifetime.
If any achievement of your life goes to your head and you are gripped by ego...
then understand that you have reached your limit to grow. Now there can be only
one way to go and that is downwards.