G Knowledge

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

<p style="color:#dbdbdb ;padding:20px; border-left:5px solid #162E04;">We have discussed many wonders of the world – Ancient, Medieval and Modern. Some were devastated, while some exist even today. However, the fact of astonishment is that there is an Ancient Wonder of the World which may or may not have existed. Isn’t it strange? It can be accepted that most of the Ancient wonders do not have their roots today, but the very question of its existence is a wonder. Such is the Hanging Garden of Babylon. The name is metaphorically implied as it comes from an inexact translation of the Greek word ‘kremastos’ or a Latin word ‘pensilis’ meaning not just hanging but ‘overhanging’ like an extended terrace or balcony. As there is no documentation in Babylonian sources about the existence of these gardens, there had been several stories related to its origin. Though its existence had been vanished, it is considered as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and its feats are still full of mysteries. Let us unfold the mystery of another classic tale of love.</p>
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The Great Pyramid of Giza

<p style="color:#dbdbdb ;padding:20px; border-left:5px solid #FFF7B2;">It is just a pile of stones that stands in the middle of a desert. It looks like someone has joined four triangles, one from each side and tipped it till the top. Does it sound simple? Yes, it is simple but it is just that this pile of stones has nearly 2 million blocks of stones that weigh 2.5 to 15 tons each. The top of the structure is some 146 metres above the ground and the irony is that it happened to be a tomb. It surely leaves one wondering about the possibilities of the creation of such a magnificent structure, it is none other than ‘The Great Pyramid of Giza’. It is indeed the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and is also the only one to still exist. For nearly 3800 years, it stood as the tallest structure on earth. The gigantic immovable structure already looks like an unbelievably incomparable work of genius but the architecture inside the pyramid is another mystery altogether.</p>
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The Colossus of Rhodes

<p style="color:#dbdbdb ;padding:20px; border-left:5px solid #2B2A29;">Watching over a harbour, standing tall, the Colossus of Rhodes stood at the entrance of the Island of Rhodes with a crown, gazing upon the sky towards the sun, protecting his eyes from the sunrays with the help of his right hand. This bronze statue with the structure of a man was enormously tall and symbolised unity and victory which stood over two thousand years ago. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Statue of Liberty is an echo of none other than the statue – The Colossus of Rhodes. And both these statues were built as celebration of freedom. Although, the Colossus had been destroyed and its remains are not available anymore, one can imagine its structure by looking at the Statue of Liberty standing at the harbour of New York. This unique piece of art had lived not so long but its gigantic structure and the techniques involved in its construction amazes the world even today. </p>
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