G Knowledge


<p style="color:#dbdbdb ;padding:20px; border-left:5px solid #ffffff">A list of southern groups and clusters cover a wide range in distance, richness and morphological type that are distributed over the full range of right ascension. However, there was a moving object reported in the evening sky. Initially, this moving object was considered as a minor planet. However, with a given magnitude of about 17 and other technical details such as a 40–minute exposure with a 100 cm Schmidt telescope which showed a tail of about 20 arc seconds, it was confirmed that this object was a comet. Let us discuss further about this comet.</p>
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<p style="color:#dbdbdb ;padding:20px; border-left:5px solid #ffffff">Can you imagine a comet which was considered as ‘the comet of the century’? Yes, one such comet is Kohoutek. Formally designated as C/1973 E1, 1973 XII and 1973 f, it is a long period comet. However, it being called as the ‘comet of the century’ was a let–down because of the partial disintegration between the sun and the comet. Kohoutek’s previous apparition was about 150,000 years ago. During its first visit to the solar system, it contained large amounts of frozen volatiles. Although it did not brighten the levels, it was still visible through the naked eye.</p>
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Comet 1p/Halley

<p style="color:#dbdbdb ;padding:20px; border-left:5px solid #ffffff">Which is the most popular and well known comet of all times? Indeed, it is the Halley’s Comet. Records state that the Halley’s Comet has been observed by people over centuries. The Babylonians, Europeans and Chinese star gazers have seen this comet with their naked eye. It was assumed to be a long period comet originating from the distant Oort cloud. Its elongated orbit takes it near to the Sun and the powerful solar winds flung it out of our solar plane, beyond the orbit of Pluto. This comet was proven correct by the prediction of the astronomer Edmond Halley about its reappearance. Only 54 comets having an orbital period between 20– 200 years have been recognized. Halley’s Comet is the first amongst them. Shaped like a broom, it is the most viewed and is a spectacular apparition in the skies. Halley’s Comet is also responsible for the Orionid meteor shower in October when the earth passes through its debris stream and Eta Aquarid meteor shower in May. Let us learn in detail about this comet.</p>
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