G Knowledge


<p style="color:#dbdbdb ;padding:20px; border-left:5px solid #C2AF84">From the monarchs to the shepherds, from messengers to hunters and from the hills to the battlefields, the Horn has always been a harbinger of victory and triumphs. The purpose of including brass instruments in any musical ensemble was to create a loud sound. From the loud harsh sound of merrymaking to the mellow tones of romantic yearnings, the Horn has been a symbol for the expression of various emotions. A majestic instrument of music, it is a voice that possesses a certain degree of melody, harmony and rhythm. . A member of the brass wind family of musical instruments, the Horn has the ability to hold its voice amongst the various instruments in an ensemble. Let us learn more about this instrument.</p>
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<p style="color:#dbdbdb ;padding:20px; border-left:5px solid #672A27">In the world of music, the tone of the sound of music employed defines melody and harmony. In the quest to strike the perfect balance between the melody of a single line and harmony of many lines, a new musical instrument was discovered. The Heckelphone was invented as a low sounding instrument, which was one octave lower than the oboe and was also combined with the powerful sound of the English horn. Thus, was born the Heckelphone with a sonorous and pleasing tone. It is laced with a unique arrangement of an additional ‘muting bell’. The muting bell helps in toning down the pitch. The instrument belongs to the double reed woodwind family of musical instruments and is a recent invention. Let us learn more about this instrument.</p>
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<p style="color:#dbdbdb ;padding:20px; border-left:5px solid #3F3734">The Baroque period around the 16th century is considered to be an era when art was enhanced in a sophisticated form and style was used to define music in an exaggerated motion. Grandeur and exuberance accompanied the dance, theatre and music and the Harpsichord occupied a place of prominence due to its sheer ability to sound clear, brittle and formal. Distinguished by its large wing shape, the Harpsichord was an essential element of the ensemble of instrumental music played in the earlier centuries. The Harpsichord has its strings plucked rather than struck. But unable to change its dynamics, the Harpsichord was sidelined by the newly discovered and flexible piano. The modern music scene did not include it in the ensemble but of late it has witnessed a revival. It is a part of the keyboard family of musical instruments and is played by a Harpsichordist.</p>
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