G Knowledge

Urinary Excretory System

<p style="color:#dbdbdb ;padding:20px; border-left:5px solid #F7DCD1;">Have you wondered why we sweat, urinate or excrete? What would happen if any of these activities are not carried out daily? The entire system of the body and its balance gets disturbed, doesn’t it? Also sometimes it may lead to other serious illnesses. Anything and everything that is consumed, has to be expelled out of the body once the necessary nutrients are absorbed by the blood for the systematic and normal functioning of the body. This is enabled by the Excretory and the Urinary System.</p>
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Skeletal System

<p style="color:#dbdbdb ;padding:20px; border-left:5px solid #000000;">What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about the Skeletal System? The Bones. Did you know that your height depends on the growth of your bones? Bones form the integral part of the Skeletal System. The human Skeletal System, also called as, the internal skeleton, consists of many bones and cartilages and subdivides the system into two parts, namely, the axial part and the appendicular part. About 15-20 percent of the total body weight is made up by the skeleton.</p>
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Respiratory System

<p style="color:#dbdbdb ;padding:20px; border-left:5px solid #F0E1DE;">There is always something that we never forget despite the busy schedule and life’s hurdles. And that is breathing. If we did not breathe, we couldn’t live. Generally even at rest, we breathe about 12-15 times a minute. Also, why do we yawn, sneeze and get hiccups? It is the Respiratory System which is responsible for this. Breathing is the most important function of the system and breathing in and out, constitutes the respiratory cycle.</p>
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