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Comet 16p/ Brooks 2

<p style="color:#dbdbdb ;padding:20px; border-left:5px solid #ffffff"> Millions of comets are found in the outer solar plane. They clash with each other. Some of them are pushed out while some are pulled further into our solar plane by the strong gravitational pull of the giant planet Jupiter. They travel on an eccentric orbit and are subject to the erratic pull and push of Jupiter. This relationship is the cause of stress leading to the breakup of some comets. One such comet is the Brooks 2. The 16th periodic comet to be discovered, Comet Brooks 2 broke into fragments in its course towards the sun. A short–period comet, it belongs to the Jupiter family.</p>
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Comet 19p/Borrelly

<p style="color:#dbdbdb ;padding:20px; border-left:5px solid #ffffff">Often seen as bright and pristine messengers of remnants from the past, comets are balls of ice, dust and water. Originating from the Kuiper belt beyond Neptune, comet Borrelly is also considered a relic of the past. Most of them reflect sunlight in their perihelion position but the comet Borrelly appears dark. This complex appearance of the comet still amazes astronomers. In its 2001 apparition, comet Borrelly was visited by mission Deep Space 1. Probe revealed jets emanating from the bright patches on its surface, which were eroding the surface. This erosion is likely to split the comet into two. It is a periodic comet and belongs to the Jupiter family.</p>
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Comet 47p/ Ashbrook–Jackson

<p style="color:#dbdbdb ;padding:20px; border-left:5px solid #ffffff">Our solar system is made up of sun, planets, a number of moons, comets and asteroids. Out of these, the comets are the most mysterious celestial objects. A number of comets have been accidentally discovered. Ashbrook–Jackson is one of them and belongs to the Jupiter family of periodic (P) comets. A close encounter with Jupiter in the year 1945 brought this comet into our solar plane. Originating from the icy zone called the Kuiper belt beyond the distant planet of Neptune, comet Ashbrook–Jackson blazes a dusty trail of water, ice and gas. Let us learn about this comet in detail.</p>
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