Those who read books cannot understand the teachings and, what’s more, may even go astray. But those who try to observe the things going on in the mind, and always take that which is true in their own minds as their standard; never get muddled.

It is the Path of the Good Mind which Thou hast manifested to me, O Ahura! Whereby the welldoers, in accordance with the teaching of the Spiritual Guides, acting in harmony with Truth alone, Shall pass onward to the assigned reward of which Thou art the bestower, O Mazda! This precious reward of Thine, O Mazda, Thou givest by way of the Good Mind, Thou givest to those who perform actions through knowledge and pure thought; who attempt for the progress and development of the world; fulfil God’s desire and try for the progress of God’s Will through truth and righteousness.

Delusion is a sort of demonic force. People’s original mind is pure but it becomes perverted due to delusion and other karmas.

When you are inspired by some great purpose, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world.

Once we surrender our mind to Divine Grace completely, we will be taken care of in every way.