All that your mind absorbs from the external world will prove to be a deterrent, meaning it will push you back in life. Whatever your mind brings forth from within, will only make you grow in life.
- Deep Trivedi

Slowly and steadily cleanse the mind; sharpen the intellect, purify the senses, and win grace.

- Vedas

“Make your offering,” said the Master. “As you make it be pleased in mind. Make your mind completely calm and contented. Focus and fill the offering-mind with the giving. From this secure position you can be free from ill will.”

- Sutta Nipata

Let your aims be common, and your hearts of one accord, and all of you be of one mind, so you may live well together.

- Vedas

Good is that which elevates the mind and evil is that which degrades the mind. Social virtue and vice are temporal entities; they have nothing to do with your relationship with the Supreme.

- A Spiritual Leader
The magic of the depths of the inner mind is such that illiterate Kabir and Kalidas turn out to be "eternally great poets"... And uneducated Edison emerges as a scientist with the highest number of inventions to his credit. Still do you think you will be able to achieve success without understanding the science of the depths of mind?
- Deep Trivedi
The human mind and body share a deep bond, a bond so deep that majority of our illnesses are psychological. I would even say, weakening of the mind initiates the process that leads to death.
- Deep Trivedi
The depths of our mind has an "auto tuning" with nature. Once a person has started living from these depths...no harm can ever be caused to him.
- Deep Trivedi
Always safeguard yourself from rules and resolves. Machines can be switched on and off at a fixed time regularly, whereas for mind, the dawn is when you wake up. Understand this difference between man and machine and save your life from becoming mechanical.
- Deep Trivedi
Please do not fall in the trap of old and faulty teachings. Clearly understand that suppressing any feeling at the level of mind yields only disastrous results.
- Deep Trivedi
The most wonderful and precious element of universe is the human life which can only be guided by the right knowledge and right attitude. So, here is an ocean of knowledge, both in English and Hindi encompassing every detail and each facet of human life which ‘one must know’ in order to grow and attain the summits of success. A team of around 200 dedicated members is working ceaselessly to turn such a colossal dream into reality. We are confident that this portal will help bring change in people across the world.

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