Self - control
You must admit you have self-control before you can use it.
- Carrie Latet
What makes resisting temptation difficult for many people is they don't want to discourage it completely.
- Franklin P. Jones
I am, indeed, a king, because I know how to rule myself.
- Pietro Aretino
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
- Jim Rohn
Work while you work, play while you play - this is a basic rule of repressive self-discipline.
- Theodor W. Adorno
Nothing and no one can control you without your approval first.
- Anonymous
I have been my own disciple and my own master. And I have been a good disciple but a bad master.
- Antonio Porchia
Not using faults does not mean that one does not have them.
- Antonio Porchia
We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.
- Jim Rohn
For every man there exists a bait which he cannot resist swallowing.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
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