I'm not happy but I'm not unhappy about it.
- Alan Bennett
Nothing in the world can make you happy; everything in the world can encourage you to be happy.
- Robert Holden
If you can have everything at fifty that you wanted when you were fifteen, you're happy.
- Alfred Bester
Happiness and virtue rest upon each other; the best are not only the happiest, but the happiest are usually the best.
- Edward G. Bulwer Lytton
Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.
- Jim Rohn
To be joyous in life, a few bites to eat in peace, pouring rains or cool breeze are
sufficient... Whereas for reasons to be sad, you can write thousands of books on
- Deep Trivedi
It might be that to surrender to happiness was to accept defeat, but it was a defeat better than many victories.
- W. Somerset Maugham
We have everything we need to be happy, but we aren't happy. Something's missing.
- Ray Bradbury
No one has a right to consume happiness without producing it.
- Helen Keller
If you always want to be happy in life, toy with troubles as if it were a game. See;
whether you defeat the problems or they defeat you.
- Deep Trivedi
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