Deep Trivedi
If you always want to be happy in life, toy with troubles as if it were a game. See; whether you defeat the problems or they defeat you.
What can be said of the human brilliancy? Every day, it comes up with hundreds of schemes to bring upon its own destruction.
The one who doesn't love himself, can never love anyone else in this world. And if he loves himself, atleast he would not torture or trouble anyone in the name of religion or teachings...
The biggest problem of the world is the existence of the 50 million odd priests, monks and the heads of various religious institutions, who in the pretext of being religious, survive at others' mercy without doing anything fruitful themselves. If they are compelled to do even farming, I promise that overnight the rate of grains all across the world will almost be halved.
The irony is, even the countries who embraced Buddha were no less a wonder. Buddha didn't believe in the concept of God. He was against every kind of worship... But they also made him a God and worshipped him... Who cares how terribly it hurts Buddha?
In pursuit of auspicious time a lot of people delay the "act" even when the time, situations and conditions are ripe or they tend to act even when circumstances are not in their favour. These are nothing but the "means" which lead you to your own end.
Denying anything strongly, is nothing but inviting that thing in life, if not today... tomorrow to assume a monstrous form.
If God is to be defined in one sentence, then 'God' is the elementary force prevailing with all its three dimensions...that is, law, energy and desire for evolution, in each and every atom of this existence.
The depths of our mind are forever bright and shining like the sun. It is we who have cast a shadow of the brain and eclipsed it.
A true theist, looks like an atheist; because he fiercely attacks your hypocrisies and religious agents. What can even he do, he gets in direct contact with God.
The most wonderful and precious element of universe is the human life which can only be guided by the right knowledge and right attitude. So, here is an ocean of knowledge, both in English and Hindi encompassing every detail and each facet of human life which ‘one must know’ in order to grow and attain the summits of success. A team of around 200 dedicated members is working ceaselessly to turn such a colossal dream into reality. We are confident that this portal will help bring change in people across the world.

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