Deep Trivedi

Science is the name for transformation brought in the psychology of substances
and religion is the name for the knowledge which transforms the psychology of
human beings. Science can provide material comforts to a human being, but
for mental well-being, one has to change his psychology. Hence, striking a fine
balance between the two is the only way to lead a human being and the world
onto the path of progress.

A person ''true by heart'' is free from all the pains of separation that one generally
endures. Because he knows that the physical meeting and separation depend
upon the circumstances created by nature, then why be unhappy about it? And
if separated from someone by heart, then the question of grieving simply doesn't

What is the difference between good news and bad news? In both the cases,
you are shaken from your slumber. You anyway react in both the cases. A true
human being is the one, who cannot be perturbed by any news.

It is said, 'If God is kind, even a donkey can roar like a lion'... Indeed it is true; but
in this world of intelligent men, where is the readiness in many people to become

Like other particles of the world even "ego" cannot be destroyed. Yes, it can
surely be transformed into soulful qualities... But the moment any "Buddha"
attempts it, fearing extinction, ego not only resists but also activates its self-
defence mechanism.

Concentration is magic because in concentration, energy moves in circular
motion. On the other hand, universal energy also moves in a circular motion. This
is the reason, when we work with full concentration, we immediately get attuned
to nature. Once the tuning with nature is set, know for sure, your life will be full of
peace, happiness and prosperity. Hence, if you wish to achieve great success,
you must learn to do even the smallest of the tasks with full concentration.

What is there to be so proud in being a vegetarian? If you really want to be proud,
then stop using the things invented by non-vegetarians, right from aircrafts, cars,
A/C to even blood tests, when you fall ill.

The amount of knowledge that is hidden in the deep recesses of the mind...
the outside world does not have even a fraction more to offer. Of course, the
information updates have to be sourced from the outside world... Here, the
difference between 'knowledge' and 'information' is worth understanding.

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