A good marriage, like any partnership, meant subordinating one's own needs to that of the other's, in the expectation that the other will do the same.
- Nicholas Sparks
When a girl marries, she exchanges the attention of many men for the inattention of one.
- Helen Rowland
When in a relationship, a real man doesn't make his woman jealous of others; he makes others jealous of his woman.
- Steve Maraboli
Marriage was not the combination of two entities into one; it was instead the creation of a third entity whose sole purpose was to soothe and inspire the two individuals.
- Christian Cantrell
Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed.
- Albert Einstein
The true love is unconditional. Marriage is a conditional bond.
- Toba Beta
No marriage stays in the same pattern forever. It is both the best feature of marriage and the worst that it inevitably changes.
- Lisa Kleypas
The problem with marriage is that it ends every night after making love, and it must be rebuilt every morning before breakfast.
- Gabriel García Márquez
To complain that I could only be married once was like complaining that I had only been born once.
- G. K. Chesterton
A long marriage is two people trying to dance a duet and two solos at the same time.
- Anne Taylor Fleming
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