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The Jain monks, who claim their scriptures to be more knowledgeable and
advanced than science, by walking barefoot and uprooting hair with their own
hands, which scientific age prescribed in their scriptures do they want to drive
mankind to?
- Deep Trivedi
In life, there is nothing that you can simply gain. Here, for every gain, you always
have to lose something. Hence, the people who are apprehensive of losing in
every small matter...can never gain something big.
- Deep Trivedi
Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion.
- Issac Newton
The best reply to an atheist is to give him a good dinner and ask him if he believes there is a cook.
- Louis Nizer
Religious gurus are managing their businesses by misleading the world, but
it is a smaller crime. Their greater crime is; not only are they suppressing the
qualities and philosophies of great people, but are also running their businesses
by linking them to useless miracles.
- Deep Trivedi
Any form of art is the manifestation of God. Whereas, in temples and churches
someone has just been instated in the name of God.
- Deep Trivedi
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