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It is the law of nature that when adversity strikes, nature invariably provides us with the strength to endure that pain. Look for yourself, we are not that disheartened with the pains of present...but are worried sick about the pains to come in future.
- Deep Trivedi
As we must account for every idle word, so must we account for every idle silence.
- Benjamin Franklin
A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.
- Antoine De Saint Exupéry 
To be absolutely independent in each and every field of life, is your first and foremost duty. If you are burdensome to anyone, for anything...then your life is a complete waste.
- Deep Trivedi
What’s there in a name?
- William Shakespeare
Don't expect anything original from an echo.
- Anonymous

I don’t like the word ‘superstar’. It has ridiculous implications. These words – star, stupor, superstar, stupid star – they’re misleading. It’s a myth.

- Barbra Streisand

Home and family is the basic social institution everywhere in the world. When the home improves, the whole world will be better.

- Sathya Sai Baba

When the force of the desire for Truth blossoms, selfish desires wither away, just like darkness vanishes before the radiance of the light of dawn.

- Adi Shankara
During your life, never stop dreaming. No one can take away your dreams.
- Tupac Shakur
The most wonderful and precious element of universe is the human life which can only be guided by the right knowledge and right attitude. So, here is an ocean of knowledge, both in English and Hindi encompassing every detail and each facet of human life which ‘one must know’ in order to grow and attain the summits of success. A team of around 200 dedicated members is working ceaselessly to turn such a colossal dream into reality. We are confident that this portal will help bring change in people across the world.

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