Top Views

Life is nothing but a competition to be the criminal rather than the victim.
- Bertrand Russell

Because that’s what kindness is. It’s not doing something for someone else because they can’t but because you can.
- Andrew Iskander

He who loves me is made pure; his heart melts in joy. He rises to transcendental consciousness by the rousing of his higher emotional nature. Tears of joy flow from his eyes, his hair stands on end, his heart melts in love. The bliss in that state is so intense that, forgetful of himself and his surroundings, he sometimes weeps profusely, or laughs, or sings, or dances; such a devotee is a purifying influence upon the whole universe.
- Srimad Bhagavad Gita

God had one son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering.
- Saint Augustine of Hippo

Those who are fundamentalists and refuse to listen to anything said against them,
we call them terrorists. Don't you find similar traits in majority of our religious
heads? If this wasn't true then why were Socrates, Mansoor and Jesus killed?
- Deep Trivedi

Christmas, here again. Let us raise a loving cup: Peace on earth, goodwill to men, and make them do the washing up.
- Wendy Cope

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